Art Contest:
Entry forms will be available July 14th, 2024.
Entry forms will close on Janurary 10th, 2025 at 11:59pm.
Contestants will receive an email prior to announcement on January 30th, 2025.
Ensure that you read ALL details below before entering the contest.

General Information
In previous years, we have held an art contest pertaining to a theme. For 2025, we are bringing it back to our roots with "Rewind."
Your job as a contestant is to use your imagination - pull from popular anime, television, movies, books and more! We wanted to include the community once to create art with the theme of “Rewind”! The only requirement is that each piece should include a Sakura blossom somehow, somewhere in your artwork.
The winning artwork will be used on Tokyo, OK promotional items which may include items such as posters, banners, postcards, badges and program brochures and other various forms of merchandise.
Prize Information
Winner will receive:
One (1) Sakura Membership for 2025
Hotel Room for 2025
$500 Cash
One (1) Artist table in the Shopping Bazaar
Hotel Room for 2025
$500 Cash
Runner up will receive:
One (1) Three Day Weekend Badge
One (1) 2025 Tokyo, OK Convention T-Shirt
Anyone may enter the Art Contest, excluding OS4CA staff.
Artwork will be judged on the following:
The basic tenets of art
Adherence to the 2025 theme of “Rewind” and inclusion of required visual elements, and originality.
Submission Guidelines
To enter, you will need to provide:
One (1) Completed piece or original art to be judged - Full Color preferred, 8.5in x 11in at 350 dpi
Concept art for three (3) related pieces - sketches / line art accepted 8.5in x 11in at 350 dpi
Each entry MUST include a cherry blossom
Poor Sportsmanship is grounds for disqualification from future Tokyo, OK/OS4CA contests, and will render you ineligible for future contests. Be gracious with the placement that you have received. Bullying any contestant or staff is strictly prohibited.
Bullying of any kind is not tolerated. If there is evidence of bullying occurring, the constant/attendee will be disqualified and barred from the competition, and may result in your badge/pass/membership revoked.
Be kind to others who have put hard work, effort and time into their entries.
Signature Requirement
Each entrant in the Art Contest will be required to give a digital signature on their entry form to verify that they have read the rules and will adhere to them on pain of expulsion from the contest. By signing your entry form, you also agree to allow OS4CA to use your work for promotional purposes via social media.
The winner will need to provide:
One (1) panoramic image or a least three (3) individual smaller images related to the original artwork
One to three spot color images for volunteer and convention t-shirts at 14in x 14in
These files will be due January 30th, 2025.
A list of winners will be uploaded to the Tokyo, OK Facebook page.
Terms and Conditions
Personal information is for OS4CA records only and will not be released without artist consent. By entering this contest, you agree to allow your artwork to be reproduced by OS4CA for the purpose of promotion of Tokyo, OK. By entering this contest, you are stating that the artwork entered is wholly and 100% your own work and you have the right to reproduce it. Plagiarism or theft of another individual's artwork will not be tolerated. OS4CA reserves the right to request proof of ownership and originality. Acceptable mediums are Original Traditional Medium or a Layered and Defined Digital File.
By entering the contest the artist is giving OS4CA an exclusivity license until July 14, 2025. We ask that none of the artwork be published or sold by the artist until then but the artist is allowed to sell merchandise using the artwork during Tokyo, OK - July 11th - 13th, 2025. (prints, key chains etc).
After July 14, 2025, the artwork license returns to the artist. OS4CA will retain the right to use artwork in the future for promotional needs but only the specific artwork created. Characters, artwork and trademarks created by the artist are the property of the artist from that point further and can be used as they see fit. Any character or trademark that Tokyo, OK wishes to retain after that date will be handled separately and as an industrial license.
AI Art will not be accepted. Please ensure you go over our AI Art Policy.
***Rules are subject to change at any point prior to Tokyo, OK 2025.***