About Us
The Oklahoma Society for Culture Appreciation was founded with the following missions:
Promote Culture and the Arts within the State of Oklahoma through managed events, logistic support, and financial grants.
Promote Oklahoma Art and Culture to communities outside the state.
Bring together divergent cultures and build community utilizing The Arts and realization of our own commonality as humans.
The Oklahoma Society for Culture Appreciation is a registered 501(3) Non-Profit Organization.

Our Story
Founded in 2020, our desire is to educate and build a community through entertainment.
Our desire to present quality events and drive is what sets us apart and our community is what makes us great. We are a group of individuals obsessed with culture come together with the goal of producing quality educational events, charitable grants & programs, and building relationships in the community through partnerships with businesses, organizations, and educational centers.

Organizational Leadership

Director of Operations
Director of Programming & Guests
Melinda West
Director of Sales
Shailaja Marion
Director of Logistics
Danielle Haller
Director of Financial Services
Director of Staff Coordination
Heather Alden
Director of Communications & Technology
Zac Murphy

Assistant Director of Operations
Assistant Director of Sales
Assistant Director of Logistics
Director of Programming & Guests
Assistant Director of Financial Services
Assistant Director of Staff Coordination
Peter Adophson
Assistant Director of Communications & Technology
Heather Ball
Assistant Director of Communications & Technology
Tara Bennett
The Board
Chair of the Board
Melinda West
Vice Chair of the Board
Shailaja Marion
Eric Hammons
Deputy: Danielle Haller
Personnel Officer
Heather Alden
Deputy: Peter Adolphson
Community Relations Officer
Zac Murphy
Chairperson Pro Tempore
Deputy: Heather Ball
Otto Schenck
Deputy: Stephen Piveral
Voting Members:
1. Benjamin Ekhoff
2. Danielle Haller
3. Heather Humphrey
4. Jessica Clay
5. Kristie Wofford
6. Roger Smith
7. Stephen Piveral
8. Tara Bennett
9. Uriah Davis
10. *vacant*
Advisors to the Board:
Brandi Summers, Head of Tabletop & Specialty Gaming - OS4CA
Kyle Summers, Head of Tabletop & Specialty Gaming - OS4CA
Chris Perez, Chief Executive Officer - Warguts Inc.