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Props Policy

Live steel is defined as swords, knives, or other objects made of metal, which can take an edge. Dull metal weapons are considered live steel, and therefore are not permitted. Enforcement of these rules is enacted with ZERO tolerance.


No warnings will be given.


Any infraction of these rules may be met with expulsion an event without refund and could include law enforcement involvement.


A WEAPON is defined as follows:
“Illegal Knife” means a:

  • Blade in excess of 4 inches

  • hand instrument designed to cut or stab another by being thrown or by gesture

  • dagger, including but not limited to: bowie knife, dirk knife, switchblade knife, spring-type knife, sword cane, knife having a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring, or other device in the handle of the knife

  • sword

  • spear

“Club” means:

  • an instrument that is specifically designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting bodily injury or death by striking a person with the instrument. Includes, but is not limited to:

  • blackjack

  • nightstick

  • mace

  • Tomahawk

  • yaoi paddles (or similar paddles)

  • Billy club

  • bat (wooden or metal)

“Bow” is defined as a

  • weapon that is used to propel an arrow and that is made of a strip of flexible material (such as wood) with a cord connecting the two ends and holding the strip bent

  • Prop bows can be composed of materials such as bendable plastic or soft woods. They can be strung for photoshoots, but must NEVER be drawn (pulling the string taut)

  • Arrows are allowed to be a part of a prop / cosplay, however they can not be composed of metal, nor can they have metal tips or sharp edges.

  • Compound bows are not allowed in event spaces.

Other Prohibited Items:

  • chains

  • Whips


  • Vendors will sell any defined weapon to persons of at least 18 years of age. Any vendor selling to minors will be removed from the event and proper authorities may be notified.
    All Vendors must box, wrap, or peace tie any weapon sold. Weapons may be held by the Vendor until the attendee is able to remove the weapon from the event space, at the discretion of the Vendor.

  • The sale of firearms, Airsoft, and any other weapon is strictly prohibited unless authorized by OS4CA in accordance with applicable laws and policies.


  • Live Firearms are strictly prohibited.

  • Props brought to the con should be fake and part of your costume (no live steel or firearms.) Items that could be used as actual weapons, such as large wooden swords/sticks/staves/signage, will need to be peace-bonded upon entry by OS4CA Staff at the Prop Check station. By bringing these items you agree to handle them in a safe and responsible manner. By federal law, any props that appear to be real firearms (plastic guns and the like) need to have a government safety orange tip visibly displayed on the tip of the barrel.

  • Clubs (including as defined) that are wooden or metal are not allowed in the event space.

  • All prop firearms must be permanently disabled. This includes Nerf Guns, plastic guns, water guns, paint ball, and AirSoft. Revolver mechanisms must also be disabled or rendered in-operable.

  • Wooden swords are allowed as long as they have gone through the Props Check and are handled responsibly.

  • Props and Cosplays that utilize glitter, body paint, confetti, or other similar craft items are requested to maintain their craft items in a responsible manner and are requested to refrain from conducting activities that may leave behind residue of the item.

  • Aerosol or other sprayable items are prohibited in event spaces.

  • Drawing of props, horseplay, or careless handling of weapons or props in public places is not allowed and will result in loss of entry with no refund or compensation and permanent expulsion from the event.

  • Purchased weapons must be removed from the event and the hotel’s public spaces immediately after purchase unless held by the vendor, at their discretion. If the Vendor will not hold the item, it must be removed immediately.

  • All cosplay participants planning to use props on-stage must present their props for inspection and demonstrate their intended use for the staff. Any unauthorized props or actions involving props onstage or backstage will result in disqualification and any further actions deemed necessary by OS4CA Staff.

  • All Oklahoma laws on purchasing weapons will be followed

  • All persons handling props do so at their own risk.

These rules will be strictly enforced. Any infractions WILL cost you the offending items and may cause expulsion from the event and the event’s public spaces without refund.

All decisions made by the staff regarding the Weapons & Props Policy are final.


Please note that the Weapons & Props Policy is subject to change and may be done so without advance notice. Prohibited items may be updated at the discretion of the Director of Operations.

© 2024 by the Oklahoma Society for Culture Appreciation (OS4CA).

All Rights Reserved

No Reproduction in Whole or In Part without written permission.

Oklahoma Society for Culture Appreciation is a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization.

Established in Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States.

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